We are having the same weird weather this January as last yar. Mild temperatures and no wind is the norm every day. It was 40 degrees this morning and I fixed myself a bacon and egg sandwich, bundled up, and ate breakfast on the deck. I took a pad with me and started working on how and what I'm planting in my raised beds this spring. I have these lovely 3 x 7-foot beds. Last year I put my veggies in rows lengthwise, but this year I am going do them crosswise and experiment with rows for patterns as well. I'm excited about this year because I know what I want and what will work,,,, It is nice growing veggies for us and not for the gophers, wild rabbits, birds, deer and mice.
The first spring the beds were mostly filled with peonies from the farm waiting while I dug beds for them, but I did plant some parsnips. peas, beans, beets radishes lettuce and kohlrabi. Parsnips were all top growth, but peas, beans and kohlrabi did well, so they are what I'm planting this year filled in with lots of colorful lettuce. I think I'll grow tomatoes in containers. I never had good luck with tomatoes at the farm...maybe better luck here.
Tried to interest DH in having dinner on the deck as well, It t was steak, mushrooms, mashed potatoes and green beans He declined. The dinner was a sucess except for a couple glitches. I consider a dinner a success if I don't burn up a pan, set off the smoke alarm or burst into tears. I actually fixed such a bad dinner recently when I did all three.
The first glitch today was when I grabbed the wrong squeeze bottle from the fridge and added ginger instead of garlic to the potatoes. Different but still edible and I don't recommend it. Will use the leftover potatoes in a lentil soup this week. The second glitch? I like to add a splash of balsamic vinegar to my sauteed mushrooms, but my hand touched the hot pot and most of the bottle went into the pan. I was able to drain most of it off and it was still quite good, and we ate them all.
I'm so glad to see you posting again! I'm so behind in reading so here's comments for all posts since October -
first I'm sorry about the stroke, but am very glad you did recover quite a bit. Also sorry about the vision, but I'm glad you are forging ahead with other things you *can* do, and smacking the world that's decided painting everything whites-grays-blacks are the be-all end-all for decorating with colors that reach in and smack my retinas. Love those painted garden posts, so far I'm only brave enough to do that in the flower beds, not in the house. Yet.
Ouch! Ow, ow, owie! I hAte burning myself when I cook. which I do at least once or twice a year, along with chopping off a nail or, yet another, bit of finger. Its a wonder I have fingers left! I have to fix one of my raised bed as one side has burst.
My secret for growing tomatoes is to pinch off all the suckers that pop up between the main branches, if your going to put them in pots this year make them black pots they like warm toes. If your going to do that, you also have to water them every other day too, they will dry out quickly in a pot. When I was an apartment dweller, in Chicago, I would row them in 5 gallon plastic pickle drums, I got from behind our local burger place, even the smallest apartment has a 3x3 porch and I grew everything in those. You can get a surprising amount of food and flowers in a 3x3 space!
Can hardly wait to see photos of your veggie garden! Check out chateauvillandry.fr if you want even more inspiration. The gardens surrounding the château are planted with all sorts of fruits, veggies & herbs. The patterns & colors are stunning!
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