DH accumulated lots and lots of steps on his pedometer and logged over 22 miles on the beach while we were there. He took Morris for walks three times a day and I took him for another long walk besides.
Dh marched right along but my pace was much more leisurely and often stopped to rest on a log and watch the waves.
And when Morris wasn't on the beach he was napping or cuddling with one or the other of us. His meals were on time and he had attention whenever he desired it. He was also groomed and brushed after every walk to get rid of the sand but he thought all the extra grooming was some special spa treatment. Although the condo was "pet friendly" they specified no pets on the furniture. I knew Morris would think this very uncivilized so I took plenty of sheets and towels to cover everything.

Every night we were treated to a beautiful sunset which we watched until the last bit of sun slipped into the sea. It is an all-day drive for us to get to the coast so we wanted to enjoy it. So with the travel time we only had 4 full days there but we did get in a beach walk the evening we arrived and the morning we left. I took along frozen soup and frozen pot pies and never even dirtied the stove..

Morris has decided that this should be an annual event and we agree with him.
There was only one thing he would change. We stopped on the way home to have a cup of coffee with our niece Susie and she had two VERY LARGE Labrador dogs and they were annoyingly persistent in their efforts to sniff at Morris's private parts which Morris did not like at all.. not one little bit!!!!!!
But all in all Morris thinks taking a vacation at the beach should be part of every dog's life.