Considering my age and my general health it's a good thing that I want to gather as many healing things in my life as I can. At the top of the list are my husband and friends but the garden, yoga, and the music or Ernesto Cortazar are close behind but something new has been added to my life that is a major healing factor and her name is Moxie. We have had Moxie now for 4 weeks and she is settling in. She is 3 years old and we are adopting her. In the beginning she was very anxious about abandoned She cried and cried the first two days but then she decided I was going to be her best friend and is at my side every minute of every day. The dogs we have had tended to favor one or the other of us. Maggie's was Ron's dog, Fritz was my dog, Morris was Ron's dog, but this dog is definitely my dog and is a gift from heaven. We got her from a breeder who was trying to find a home for her. Her lot in life was to produce puppies for bucks but it did not go well so no pups, no bucks, no dog. She had never been on a leash or had been taken on a walk but now she loves her walks every day. She was very overweight, and we have been working on that and hope to have her in good shape by Spring. By choice she sleeps under my bed right under my head and anytime during the night I can lay in the dark and listen to her breathe. she loves to cuddle and I need to cuddle her sp it's a win-win situation I had been telling everyone all year I needed either a great grandbaby or a new puppy and now I am going to have both.
Moxie my love
Not only did he make all the stuff in the picture, but he also did a ham and a turkey plus a delicious butternut squash soup to start the meal
Absolutely everything was perfectly cooked and it was delicious.
This post was delayed because I was having so many problems with photos. I think I finally have the peoblem solved
Well, I have my spring necklace strung. ..again. It is ready for my friend to stop by and finish the strands with wire guards and add a clasp. I actually strung it twice, After I finished it the first time, I felt it needed spacer beads, but I was nervous about doing them. as the holes were small.
But I pulled all the beads that I had strung and then found if I held the spacer bead in position with two fingers, I didn't even try to see the hole. I just aimed the wire toward the space between my fingers and with a few tries I was able to hit the hole.
The holes are big enough on the glass beads that all I have to fo is aim the wire at the bead and it finds the hole. I can do it with my eyes closed. After this I have several pieces that need a little repair and I want to replace some earrings I lost. I have several pieces in various state of completion. I will tackle those chores before I tray another necklace. But this will be ready for spring, and I am thinking a nice yellow linen top would be perfect and maybe a lunch out with the friend who helped me.
with a little help from a friend
Earlier this fall I came across this color palette and it just shouted spring to me, so I am going to try to make a necklace. It has been almost two years since I made a piece of jewelry. I have a large assortment of mismatched glass beads and I sorted out this lot. Plus, I had some turquoise birds and stars, so I tossed them in as well. I want something colorful and whimsical to wear when the daffodils bloom.
The beads have big holes and using beading wire means no worry about tedious needles. A dear friend who does a lot of jewelry has offered to do the finishing parts that I couldn't handle. Without her help O would not even attempt this. Friends are the greatest. So, like dear Bennie I am once again charging ahead. I've decided just sorting beads anytime will be a pleasant and relaxing activity. Much better than cleaning house. The one positive aspect of low vision is you don't see the dust. computer guy finally came and fixed the browser issue I was having with blogger. Hooray
Five-legged green cat with two tails
I began my workaday life in Alaska as a primary teacher in 1966. I taught 5-7 year olds for ten years and they were so amazing. If you asked a 5 year old to draw a horse he'd say "of course." It wasn;t until they got to be 7 that they worried that their horse disn;t look like a real horse. One day I asked 5 year old Bennie to paint his cat for me and in short order he was waving his masterpiece proudly before me. and proclaiming "I did it.! I did it!" And he had indeed painted his five-legged green cat with two tails.
color, color. and more color
I do not mention this to sound dismal as it is just a constant challenge to be tackled. I mention it to explain my current absolute obsession with color. I want it everywhere ...on and around me. So in addition to masses of blooms, I want color oozing throughout my garden. I am in love with this walk and the bright totems...both of which I want and must find a way.I care not a whit anymore on the quality of what I do and at the moment am working on some birdhouses for a structure I put in last fall. No precise lines....just the wild application of color in the manner of an enthusiastic 4-year old. Years before I would have designed, built and decorated these elaboratly. But these I bought preuilt from Amazon and am using sponges to paint and loving every minute..
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Years and years ago I used old windows and
recyled wood to build a small mini-greenhouse/cold frame. It was perfect
for tender veggies before the ground was warm enough to plant. But alas
it being of old materials, it eventually collapsed.
I wanted something si
milar for here as the south side of the grargage caputures the winter sun and is sheltered from the wind. First I thought of actually buying a small greenhouse and then a friend suggested buying a greenhouse window kit to attach to the garage
But it was cheaper by far to adapt one of Wayfair's arbor kits. Cheaper, more durable, plus free shipping and easy to assemble. I didn't quite get it done before spring but it is at the top og the list now.
The bed in his area by the potting bench is my
biggest success story so far. I started with a 6' round bed with an iron
obelisk in the middle. I planted a clematis and sweet peas on the obelisk
and then set out to cram the bed with plants that would be compatible. I
chose iris, shasta daisies, a tall achillea, veronica, ornamental oregano,
monarda, lavender , and salvia and bordered it with a low, compact
perennial geranium. It was perfect and wild with bees all
summer, When I added more pavers to this area the circle became a
rectangle but with a little squishing of plants it all worked out.
So in this area about 10' square I have this
lovely bed. my potting bench, the mini-greenhouse, decorative tool
storage, and this great poly???? bench...another kit from Wayfair and it holds
all the hoses, wands, sprinklers. etc/ This was never intended to be
embellished but it now has crossed my mind... I find myself sitting a lot
on this shady bench drinking my giner tea and watching the bees.

I have always had some type of potting area. I love to take cuttings, do divisions, and nurse along small plants, The area by the garage (about 12' x 12') has evelolved into my "work" area and the star feature is this potting bench... The shelves are wire closet shelving from a thrift store. During the summer I used it almost every day and the piece of iron gives it an elegant old world touch.
Me Again!!!!
I am supposing that I have lost most of my readers since it has been about 9 months since I posted. But I have to admit I miss posting a lot. I had written iver 2000 posts and had over 1.5 million hits. Posting was a combination of a diary and a way to share my life with friends. To communicate online now I depend mostly on the capabilities of speech recognition and text to voice programs . The speech recognition is filled with errors and I struggle with all the Narrator commands but keep working at it. It's awkward but I'm trying to find a better way.
I spent most of the summer in therapy classes recovering from a stroke which affected my right side.. But now I am as good as I'm going to get.
Thank heavens for my garden. It si the only place I feel normal and spent dawn to dusk all summer transforming my small patch . Most of my time was either digging up sod or dealing with it. After I dug it up I removed the soil and screened it. The fibrous parts are composting and the lovely screened soil (without rocks) went back into the beds. Now that chore is behind me and I can focus on fine tuning the multitude of plants I brought from the farm. I also have some others projects I;ve done and lots of things in the works.... hope to share it all.
Seven more to go
This first tassel was definitely a learning experience and will make many changes in technique for the last seven. Tassel is just pinned to the valance now and will decide final length when all are done. Since I probably couldn't get them the same length if I tried I am thinking they will be staggered lengths. I am going to attach the cord to the valance when finished with a cluster of antique gold metal buttons and bee charms. I couldn't be happier with the final look of the valance...lots of big sloppy stitches and braid attached with hot glue but the look I wanted is there.
I added silk ribbons with beads on the ends in the tassels. The weight of the beads made the ribbons disappear to the center of the tassel...problem. .maybe varying the lengths of threads and ribbons would work... It was when I was trying to get the silk ribbons through beads that I discovered how nifty the 28 gage wire worked,, what a blessing that was. Not as much of the variety of colors show...problem...maybe separating threads more when assembling will help. Couldn't drill the hole in the bird perpendicular...problem but I think this can be solved using the drill press. Used some Edmar thread in tassel and it is static even when wet...solution is not use it in the rest of tassels.
My tractor money and a reality check!
- I bought my tractor in the mid-80s. I paid $5,000 for it secondhand and it was practically new with a front end loader and a rototiller in the back. I loved that tractor and spent many an hour behind the wheel.. It was such a great deal. I used it for 30 years and sold it for $4,000. I didn't want this money to just disappear into the general fund and I wanted to use it for something special so I put it in an envelope in my sock drawer waiting for just the right thing to come along.
- My garden is that last thing I think about when I go to sleep and the first thing I think about in the morning so that is where my tractor money will go. I've so many things that I hastily put in "temporary" beds when we moved and they need a permanent spot. And making permanent spots means digging out sod... I spent so much of last summer digging and dealing with sod. I thought I 'd hire that done along with some other major things I wanted done so I had less heavy work and could focus on planting, I started in January to get some estimates. and I could quickly see it would take all my tractor money and then much more to do everything on my wish list and now that I see how expensive it is I'm going to have to start trimming my wish list. But the biggest shock is everyone is booked into late summer already. So I'm looking at things I can do without, do myself, and things that can wait. I am also going to have to designate a holding area for sod and deal with it later this summer.
Originally I thought I'd like a new sprinkler system But it is not critical and I can live with what I've and just adjust my plantings. And my precious tractor money will go mainly for supplies like lumber and pavers and a new little rototiller. The main things I was going to hire help with was expanding the terrace area near the raised beds (which is now mud.) If I can handle that then next is a paved area under my sweet pea gazebo. We had snow this morning but it quickly melted and my first daffodils are poking out of the ground.. The garden is the one place that I'm not constantly impeded by my failing vision.
Tassels outside the box
Delighted to finally justify its purchase . Same for rayon which is too fussy for me to stitch with but the color and texture are perfect. Once it is tangled it is impossible.
I do have a tassel maker tool but it works on the principal of one color tassels and I want tassels of MANY colors so not sure it will work. It might work for the rayon to make mini one-color tassels as the rayon thread is so hard for me to handle. In addition to the threads, I have gathered beads, ribbons and chains..
I found this example of many variations of tassels and I think it will be a great inspiration for me to think outside the box with my tassels. I'm thinking that this is one of those projects that is almost impossible to mess up. I am counting on that.
By thee time I finished this project it should be time to go into the garden.....finally
New life and a better one!
Most everything I loved I moved without the slightest idea where it would fit... but it all is fitting and sometimes prettier here than at the farm. This piece of antique stained glass is a case in point.. I bought it at a building auction over 30 years ago. . I went looking for old used windows for the barn and fell in love with this piece . It was without a frame and in pretty sad shape. I cleaned and repaired it and had a window made for it at the farm on the landing on the stairs and it was gorgeous but only seen by family.
Here it is the focal point of the house and just smashing... I made a new frame with 2 by 2s but hired a man to install the board on the ceiling that it is hung from. Since I fell off the ladder last fall I try to avoid anything too high.
I had collected a lot of stained glass over the years and my initial plan was to use it all to make a divider here. But like many of my plans that one was scrapped in favor of using most of the glass on the veranda....and what I don't use on the veranda I will find a place for in the garden... I left four pieces at the farm sale that were in need of repair, the panels from a railroad dining car and the chicken panels of glass in the kitchen. now I wish I would have brought them all as they probably ended up in the dumpster...
Morris will be glad when all the glass is out from under my bed. That is his "safe" place during storms.
Last on list....! What list??
The valance itself is made from my old holiday jacket which had been around for way too long. It was pieced velvets and trims.. Here is the last time I wore it and now it is cut in pieces in the valance. I love that it is recycled and still loved...
This is the last thing on my indoor winter list which wasn't a very long list. After a lifetime of list addiction I realized I haven't used a list for months and just try to get two things done of a day before my nap and another after....
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