
If I were "really" clever...................

From the initial concept I had planned to make the cottage series into 2 keepsake books....  one for each of my oldest granddaughters AND I still want to do that but it would be fun to have them all together first.  So there must be  some really clever way that I can finish each block as a separate unit and combine them with lace and buttons into a single unit which then be taken apart EASILY and then made into books.

Remember this silk wedding dress I got last spring with a zillion covered silk buttons down the back.  Wouldn't those buttons be perfect for just such a project????

Well this is something for me to think about as I am driving back and forth to see my mother.

You can see all the blocks together on Flickr and there are some days I am more clever than others....


Rengin Yazitas said...

You gave a me an idea now. I have several RR blocks, why I don't get them together aas you mentioned? Thanks so much sharing,
I'm looking forward to see your creations with those lovely buttons:)
Merry Christnas,
Rengin, in Istanbul

Marilyn said...

If you made a widish (maybe 1") border (like a quilt binding) around each block you could put buttonholes all around and join the blocks into a whole wall hanging. Maybe the pretty bridal dress buttons on the front back with a flat button on the back. Then when you take them apart you might run a pretty ribbon around the blocks maybe even button them together into the books. One idea anyway but I'm sure you'll come up with something really neat. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

margaret said...

the blocks are amazing, I am sure with your talents you will soon have it all worked out perfectly but yes it should be allowed to hang as a quilt first for everyone to see and enjoy

crafty cat corner said...

I absolutely love these cottage blocks. As I think I've said before you give me inspiration when I start to flag with my blocks. Making a book is a brilliant idea.
Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to reading your posts in 2014

Marci said...

Your blocks are absolutely amazing!

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