
Gathering supplies for a big wait..

Usually it is my mother I am waiting on but tomorrow I will be in a waiting room with DH for 4-5 hours....nothing life threatening but necessary none the less.  So I'm packing my stitching and my little TV table is in the car as always.

The lace wishing-well block is ready for final touches and beads....

The pansy block is ready for seam treatments and I have some options sketched. I will take along some ribbon and my Candace Kling book to practice making various ribbon pansies.
And I have my handy dandy ring of threads for these blocks all ready to put in my bag.  I am going to bring in my little wooden TV table from the car and drill a 1/2" hole to hang my thread ring with a clip.....I just have to pop on my chatelaine and go.... with maybe a stop at Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha.... In fact while I am making improvements to my little table I should cut a hole to hold a cup... Why haven't I thought of that before...???


Marilyn said...

The lace on the wishing well really is exquisite. And it makes the wishing well. I love my Candace Kling book too although I need to get some narrower ribbon because most of mine makes huge flowers and I'd like some smaller ones for cqing. And one of your top ideas ever is the cup holder for Starbucks!

margaret said...

hope all goes well for DH. Two more lovely blocks and I am sure you will get plenty done during your wait.

Mosaic Magpie said...

I am picturing you in the waiting room with your set-up......The nurses will think you have moved in. Every other woman will be wishing she brought her stitching and most everyone will want one of those tables! Yes cut the hole for your cup....go all the way!

Susan Elliott said...

Thinking of you today and hoping all goes well. Your wishing well is wonderful...

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