
good news and bad news

Well the good news is that today I gave a slide show about painting on buttons and using them in CQ to the North Idaho Historical Button Society.  These ladies are really serious about buttons and I wasn't sure if they would be interested in my whimsical approach to buttons.  But they were warm and enthusiastic and I had a grand time and they loved all the examples of CQ I toted along especially the suffrage quilt.

Now the bad news... I'm ready to start applying the silk flowers  I made last spring to the spider bag and I can't find them anywhere.  First I started looking in all the likely places and then all the unlikely places and then the most remote possible places.  Now I'm so desperate that I'm actually starting to clean and sort.

It doesn't look like much in that bowl but there are about a hundred flowers there.  Before I give up and start making more flowers I will go ahead and do the cats for the back of the bag. These cats are small and go fast and hopefully the missing silk flowers will appear.  I found all the other parts including the bag of silk ribbons.  I remembered I took them in the book press in the barn  to flatten them and checked there too...  I just hate it when something is missing. And one thing is absolutely certain.... I have too darn much stuff.


M. Hair said...

Oh no. Must find missing flowers. I read somewhere that someone mentioned that when you put something it a safe place make a note of it on your blog and then you can reference it later when the item(s) go missing.

justanitzybitcrazy said...

Good idea Marjorie, I hope you find your pretty little flowers Gerry.
The cat turned out great!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh dear - I hope the lost is soon found! It would be a shame to have to repeat the process because it's pretty much guaranteed the originals will pop out of hiding the moment you finish creating replacements. Fingers crossed they appear!

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