
I had a plan...

The other day I was looking forward to my favorite kind of day: a "cookery day."  Before I even got out of bed, I had a plan.  So when I got into the kitchen, I fixed first beets, then rutabagas with olive oil and covered them with foil and put them in the oven to roast. Next I washed the figs and added a little cider and put them on simmer to make a compote for waffles.  While the figs were simmering and the vegetables were roasting, I was going to make a custard to try my new ice cream machine that I recently got at the thrift store.   I poured the custard into the machine and turned it on.   I was instantly aware that I must have done something wrong by the loud noise and the custard that was flying around the kitchen.  I had to stop the machine and get the custard out.  In the process I spilled most of it on the kitchen counter.  

After I cleaned up the mess, I tasted the beets and they were okay. But the rutabagas were pithy and needed to be trashed.   And when I tasted the fig compote, it was too seedy and needed to be sieved.  As I surveyed the disaster zone, I knew I needed a new plan.

The original plan had included me making a batch of crepes and deboning some leftover duck for dinner.  The new plan included soup out of the freezer for dinner, a book on tape, and a nap. It's great to be flexible.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Oh, dear heart! I feel your pain! ;-) We've all had days like that. You're quite right; it's good to be flexible!

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