
It's not that I mind winter.


The first thing I think of when I awaken is how many days until the days start getting longer.  It is SO close now.


It's not that I mind winter. Actually, I like quite a few things about winter.  I really wouldn't want to live  where there was no winter.  How boring to have the same climate year-round.  I think that nature intends for   living things to have a rest during some time of  the year...but not too long.

I lived in Alaska for many years, and the winters were much too long and too dark.    


By fall, I am tired of digging and I ache in all my joints. It feels good to listen to food shows   and try new recipes.   All year we always wake up at 6:30 and eat breakfast about 7. There is about a month in the winter where the sun comes up just at the time we eat breakfast. Life is good when watching a spectacular sunrise streaming through the kitchen windows.  If I want to see a sunrise in the summer, I have to get up at 4 o'clock.

In the winter there are also lovely foggy mornings that turn into glorious blue crisp skies.  In the winter I actually have fingernails and there's no dirt under them.  


Winter also has  advantages not often memtioned.  There are no yellow jackets and pesky flies.  And there is very little mud to track in the house,   And finallly it is much easier  to pick up dog poop in the snow.    







JustGail said...

I too am waiting for Solstice and the return to longer days. Winter is a love/dislike season for me also! As is summer, though I think that "dislike" list is shorter than winter's.

Margaret said...

I live in Canada -- in central Alberta, on the prairies. The winters here can be very cold, long and dark, but this year, for the first time in years, I've developed routines to get me through the short, dark days. I'm a lark, but I've learned to take the dark early mornings quietly with coffee and my journal and knitting. And in the early evenings (dark around 4:30 p.m.) I turn to stitch. I know not everyone can manage these tasks anymore, but the feel of yarn, or fabric and floss, with quiet music and a hot drink (coffee or tea) works its magic, and I can hunker down and enjoy. Blessings to you for the holiday season; spring will be here soon!

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