
Pouches 2 and 3


When I decided to make four pouches I was thinking that it would keep me busy until Thanksgiving.  What a delicious thought.  Now it is early August and I'm just about finished with pouch 2 and laying out the laces for pouch 3.  At the rate I'm going, I'll be done by the end of the month .  But boy am I having fu


The pillow sham that I used for pouch 2 was heavier than the others and had more batting.  It also had prairie points around the outside. It was a beautiful sham.  I didn't want to cut off the points, and they were too thick to go through my machine.  So I just overlapped them and tacked them .  The bottom seam was also going to be too thick to go through my machine, so I opened it a bit and pulled out enough batting to make it work. 

I thought I could use the  green gimp with my wonky way of sewing, but it just moved too much.  I gave up after about 3 in. I'm going to try tacking it down with a little fabric glue and see if I can make it work that way.  If not, I'll have to add more lace.  I'm finding that not just any lace is working.  It needs to be medium weight and about 1 in. to 1 1/2 in. wide.   I have to be able to feel the edge of it with my thumb, because I use my thumbnail as a guide for where the stitches go in and out.  The medium lace will lay flat while I'm stitching and not move about.  I have a little groove already worn in my thumbnail where the needle goes in and a callus on my thumb where the needle comes up.  The trick is to relax and trust my thumb.

The pillow sham I'm using for pouch 3 is completely different.  It is very lightweight so it will be easy to sew. Laying out and auditioning pieces of lace is the most fun part of the project. I can spend a whole evening just fussing with a lace.

A button fell off one of my husband's garments, and he wanted to know if I could sew it on.  Fat chance!  But my neighbor Georgette has threaded dozens of needles for me, and we're going to have a button-sewing tutorial tonight.  He will learn about stitch in, stitch out, stitch in, stitch out.  You're never too old to learn a new skill, they say.

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