So I filled out the tree and added more knots around the image...again cotton and silk threads. I took the "silk" snow off the mountain and after trying silk thread, perle thread, Glossilla rayon, and cotton thread, I am using a Krenik metallic and sticking with it...no more changes.

This bunch of beads are actually rather gaudy earrings which screamed "peacock" to me and I've been saving them all these years.
Plus I have a large bag of odds and ends of "peacock" colors to do spectacular tails...don't you think?

But if I hadn't already changed everything possible on this block, I took aim at the peacocks themselves today.. and guess what? Into the computer for a critical look and major changes ahead for them..
Right off they are too large to be in proportion for the lavish tail I had in mind. Since I did them on felt, taking them off and doing a little size reduction will be no problem... I would have taken them off anyway because I want to change their placement. One on the right will be not only smaller but also 1/2" higher. The walking peacock will be also smaller and nearer the pond.
So the two sketches show how much better balanced the block will be with modified, altered and rearranged peacocks. I can't remember ever having a block the has taken so long and gone through so many changes... By rights there was so much to be changed I should have just scrapped this project altogether... BUT by golly I wanted to do those darn tails............................One tail (or maybe both are going right off the block...)
so interesting reading how you have developed this project like you hate rayon threads and have given early all mine away too. The peacocks are going to be so beautiful so looking forward to seeing their tails, I am sure tou will enjoy doing them with your amazing creative skills happy stitching
Love the way you put it on your computer and fiddle with the design. Pope Francis on Saturday warned against populism, saying it could lead to the election of "saviours" like Adolf Hitler.Hat do you use for software?
As always, I find it interesting to know how you go about fixing a piece that you're not happy with. I can also imagine the nightmare it must have been to attempt to do French knots with rayon thread - that stuff is miserable. I find that if I moisten it thoroughly before I start to stitch it seems to help, but even that doesn't work with French knots.
You made me smile - I hate Rayon threads too and I am sure I have used every trick in the book to tame them - I decided last year I would not buy them anymore and gave away a heap so I did not have to use them up! (I sent you an email about something to your yahoo addy - not sure if you still use it )
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