I pinned the spider block to a cork board for a good stretch... If I could only recommend one step to make your work look better it would be a good "blocking" -stretching on a frame or board. It aligns all the threads in the fabric and in the needlework... I heartily recommend doing it at least a couple times during the work on the piece and for sure at the end. This is already looking better. It's not high on the UFO list...maybe late spring. I want to add more insects of all types...
We have had another 10" of snow and waiting to be plowed out again. This morning DH was cleaning snow off the roofs of the pump house, gazebo and the chicken house.. also digging the door to the pump house clear so I can get in and out when necessary to the heaters...
During the years we had the on-site nursery we had two 100' greenhouses that had to always be cleared of snow to prevent collapse. We both agreed that we were glad not to have that worry any more. We had sold one greenhouse when we closed and the roof of the other went off in a storm a couple years ago. Any more snow though and we will have to remove some snow from the barn.

We're bracing for a snow storm due to hit sometime overnight - as if we need any more!! Hibernation is sounding more and more like what I'd love to do.
those poor animals out there in the snow how lucky they have their own fur coats makes me shiver just seeing all that snow
I always work with a frame it keeps my tight stitching in check! We escaped th snow with only a few inches. It was 12 degrees this am and it's supposed to be in the 40ies in the next few days... crazy.
Wow, you must be getting all of our snow. We have way below normal. I doubt there is even 6" on the ground except where we have drifts from this darn wind. JUST FINISHED THE LAST BIRD BLOCK :)
Your lovely work always inspires me even though I tend to no more folk art style creating!
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