And the list of "tidy up" things is long.
1. The button painting tutorial is first on that list. I have changed the way I teach button painting, the supplies and links are outdated, and it needs more visuals...

3. Start some sort of organizational plan for tips on blog... No ideas on this yet as there are so many... literally hundreds.... overwhelming to say the least.
4. I need to add a couple more galleries to my blog... The suffrage quilt alone deserves a gallery.
5. Etsy tidy-up is already underway. I started updating Etsy a bit last month. I am down to about 25 older buttons on the site and new fun buttons are about to go up. Just need to post and write descriptions. I finally figured out a coupon for free shipping and have fixed neglected updates...
6. I want to sort stash and give a lot a way.. either on blog, to sell, or through workshops. Also want to get a booth at the fall quilt show to promote CQ. I'm not really up to teaching anymore but DH would drive occasionally me to talk and display about it ..
Once the weather is nicer the tidy-up/finish-up is extending to garden and barn... Everything now for me is getting ready to sell... new furnace, painting house etc. last year were first steps... DH is not ready for this but I keep moving in that direction.... this hard winter has been a struggle for him so when he is ready I will have all my ducks in a row....
Your cut away method of pattern transfer is by far my most favorite method. It is an outstanding tutorial and got me off on the right foot years ago when I was inexperienced and hesitant. Now I am confident and able to do so much with this method. It isn't fiddly or dependent of different heat erase pens or transfer pencils, press and seal, basting, or other methods. Gerry's method is the best!!
Hugs from Utah, Bev
Sounds like you have a full year planned, and I'm sure something else will come along to catch your fancy too. I know what you mean about getting your ducks in a row to be ready for a move - we did that for a couple of years before we actually did make the move. It was great to downsize things over time rather than a huge rush.
That is an ambitious list Gerry! So glad you are continuing to work on some of your projects! Love the Asian block after getting rid of the red bridge. Makes such a difference! Looking forward to seeing the finish!
lots of plans you have, best of luck with the peacock, what a surprise Helen and I had at the vets friday when a man came out of the consulting room carrying a male peacock, helen hoped it would shed a coiuple of tail feathers but no such luck, it was very relaxed in his arms and he was kissing its face!
Off to check out your method for pattern transfer now
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