Then 18 months ago I was watching PBS and a program came on about an English doctor (Michael Moseley) and his 5/2 Fast diet. In essence you ate whatever you wanted for 5 days and fasted for 2 days. Now I thought I could do that. And it has worked wonderfully for me...except I fast 3 days some weeks instead of 2. There is a lot of information on the internet about this diet and fasting in general.
I used to cook substantial meals 5 days a week and we had leftovers for a couple days. Now I cook 2 days a week, we have leftovers 2 days, and on my fast days my husband has soup from the freezer with a salad and dessert. All this time he has still had sweet rolls and jam with breakfast, dessert with lunch, dessert at dinner, snackies during the evening plus every night at bedtime he has a peanut butter sandwich, milk and more dessert. In addition he always has large containers of chocolates from Costco.
Well he recently had his physical and over those 18 months he gradually lost 16 pounds and his doctor does not want him to lose any more.. Not sure how we're going to solve this problem... Over the same 18 months I lost almost 38 lbs. and actually feel good on fast days. For me this has become a comfortable life style. But since I know he is getting a healthy diet with lots of veggies and proteins, I think it's going to be his responsibility to find a way to stuff in more calories. But I'm off to bake him more desserts today..
Interesting! Don't know if I could go without food for 2 days straight let alone 3. My husbands idea of a diet is cutting back form 2 donuts to 1 for braakfast. He maintains a 33" waist without trying.
I followed that diet and it worked for me. You don't actually starve your self for two days, you are supposed to follow the instructions in the book and reduce your calorie intake. It also recommended other lifestyle changes including exercises, mine happens to be a daily walk around our village, weather permitting, which is 3 miles. I can recommend this 'way of life' diet too.
My husband has to eat an enormous amount of food and he doesn't gain weight. I just walk by a cookie and gain pounds from smelling it. Over the last few years I have been dealing with a very stressful situation and it has messed up my digestive system and I really packed on the weight but I am slowly getting back to being able to eat things that might actually have some food value so hopefully soon I'll be able to start to get rid of some of the weight. Congratulations to you on your weight loss Gerry.
Congratulations Gerry on your healthier lifestyle and weight loss. I have a constant battle with weight and I do Weight Watchers which works for me as I have NO idea what my days hold for me. I tried to support my husband but he is impossible about eating smart and losing weight. The doctor and his nutritionist tried to help him to no avail. I just need to eat more protein as I mainly like carbs and sugars! At this stage in life I am merely trying to be healthy over anything else. Blessings Dear...
Sounds like a great way of life...those days you are eating keep your body from thinking it is starving and the days you eat light help shed the pounds. 38 pounds is a good weight loss for a year. I went on a medically supervised diet once that consisted of shakes and prepackaged meals..the weight melted off but came back on just as fast. What you are doing is much smarter and long lasting. I would be big as a house if ate like your hubby...wonder why it is they can eat so much and not gain an ounce?
Way to go, Gerry! Well done!
I laughed when I read your blog title, because I've been there. I go on a diet, my hubby loses weight, but I gain or stay the same! I gain weight on Weight Watchers. I am the only person I know who can go to hospital, have a hysterectomy and a huge cyst removed, have no food for three days, and gain weight! (my DH didn't believe it would happen, but he was the one who weighed me before and after on the hospital scales)
Fasting causes me to have GERD attacks. I'm happy you had good results.
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