
Last minute checklist

Now that I'm going to actually assemble it I am making a final check with all the tools in their pockets...making sure I haven't missed anything and that everything fits... It will be hard to make changes once it is assembled.... I learned that tidbit from experience.  I'll assemble it in two sections and have decided I want to add the "name tag" after it is assembled.

Never found the needle case yet so I'll use the long one I used for doll needles until the other shows up..

     I was considering this lace around one of the pockets but know this would be disastrous... not only would it snag on everything, it would quickly soil and look tattered and yucky..

I do have this lovely ruched velvet ribbon trim that would work around the red pocket and give a scalloped look.  It would wear well.

But it doesn't look as good around the black pocket.

But I do have some very dark dense lace that I could combine with it and stitch the lace to the ribbon so it wouldn't snag...

Now I'm anxious to finish and actually use it...


Marilyn said...

Its our sane quilting weekend but I worked on my chatelaine a bit - a very little bit because still having eye and wrist trouble. About all I managed to do was a couple of pockets and build a pin keep and an emery bag. I'll have to work on my GD's sane quilt for the rest of the weekend though. Her birthday is on the 11th of July and I need to get the quilt to my girlfriend to quilt for me...she's doing that in exchange for the cq light box carrying case I made for her :).

margaret said...

this really is a masterpiece wonderful

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