Morris has his bench at the farm where he can see out the window and watch the birds . He keeps trying to look out the window at the new house so one of my objectives today was to find something I could put a cushion on so he could see out the window in the new house.
I had to go out to the barn anyway to look for wood and I found this old trunk in pretty bad shape. It is quite large and very heavy. I had to pry the lock to even get in into it. It was lined with paper that was a little yucky but under the paper the wood was fine. It is made of wood covered with metal that was quite rusty in spots. So with some steel wool, elbow grease, and bleach I should be able to make a perch for Morris with it. I believe it is an old metal military foot locker... probably from WWII. I have no idea how long it has been in the barn or how it got there. But I really need it about 4 in higher so I went on Amazon and found some wooden legs for it. It will fill the bill until we actually move in February and it's is good.
I had to go out to the barn anyway to look for wood and I found this old trunk in pretty bad shape. It is quite large and very heavy. I had to pry the lock to even get in into it. It was lined with paper that was a little yucky but under the paper the wood was fine. It is made of wood covered with metal that was quite rusty in spots. So with some steel wool, elbow grease, and bleach I should be able to make a perch for Morris with it. I believe it is an old metal military foot locker... probably from WWII. I have no idea how long it has been in the barn or how it got there. But I really need it about 4 in higher so I went on Amazon and found some wooden legs for it. It will fill the bill until we actually move in February and it's is good.
And I liked the look of this piece on Pinterest that had iron work on it and filed it away. I do have a piece of old wrought iron fencing that I could use but if you put the iron in the front you can't have a shelf and if you put the iron in the back you can't see it. Since this has to have storage value I have to have the shelf. So I thought if I could find some decorative iron metal legs and some decorative metal shelf supports I think I can come close to that look. I love the old boards on top but I love my tiled board more. So I once again went searching on Amazon.

I'm still cleaning the tiled board and I found some old boards for the ends and the shelf. I may even be able to work in a shutter or two. When it is all done it will definitely be a OOAK entry piece...
1 comment:
This is going to be such a fun piece when it's done - hope you share pictures (and I'm sure you will!)
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