She picked a dress that was bubblegum pink, covered in lace, bedecked with bows, and an abundance of net petticoats. (Quite similar to the one pictured) When she tried it on, I was about to open my mouth to make a comment that it would be perfect for a 14 year old going to a junior high dance... But I quickly shut my mouth as she twirled around, swishing all the petticoats and said it would be just perfect as everyone would notice her as she danced... She bought the dress and soon she and the widower were an item and off on a cruise.
I recently asked my sister if she had picked anything for mother to be buried in. She said some time ago mother herself had given her a garment bag with the dress she wanted to be buried in. My sister couldn't ever remember seeing it and didn't think it appropriate. She wanted my opinion but when she unzipped the bag and pink petticoats billowed out I had to laugh. I told her the story behind the dress and she agreed it would be perfect. Now forever when I think of my mother I will have a vision of her twirling through her afterlife swishing her petticoats.
Oh you made me cry. I'm sorry for your loss and I love the story of your mom.
Gosh Gerry this is such a perfect post. Half way through I knew just where it was headed. What a glorious way to remember your mother, dancing in the heavens. Wonderful.
What a great image to keep of your mother! I was going to say, "May she rest in peace," but maybe "May she dance through eternity" is more appropriate.
Your mother, bless her, was obviously a character and I'm so glad that she got her last wish. I'm sure she is dancing in heaven and looking like a perfect princess.
What a post! I can just picture her spinning around making the skirts billow out. It reminds me of the saying, "Dance like no one is watching" your mom's case it would be "Dance like everyone is watching"! I do hope she is having a twirl!
I love this story! Thank you for sharing it with us! Dawn
Oh, how wonderful!
What a great way to remember her.
Perfect! Some might have chosen a more somber dress for a solemn occasion, but choosing your mother's dancing dress is a wonderful way to honour her.
What a wonderful way to remember your Mom.
A lovely story...and it leaves me wondering about the fate of the dashing widower...
Cute Cute Story!
I know this post is over a year old. It must be from before I was following your blog. It brought me to tears but made me smile at the joy you must have of thinking of your mother twirling away through eternity. We must all stay young at heart and twirling eases life's troubles don't you think?
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