
House for an Owl and Madi's progress.

My wanderlust granddaughter is still exploring South America. Her goal was to backpack to every country and she may make it yet before she heads back to her summer job in Alaska.  
We have been commited to providing habitat for birds since we moved here 1980... and have planted 1000s of trees and shrubs on our 22 acres.   I had two sighting of a barn owl in my forest last fall and wanted to have a nesting house ready for them before spring.  There is a barn owl group locally that provides already cut houses ready for assembly.

So last week I started one   and it is big enough for a dog house... It is the official recommended size.. 18x18x24.

It took me the better part of a day to get it all drilled and screwed together.. Now I just need to get it painted and get help getting it mounted 10' up the front of the barn.... Then just wait and hope... The back is hinged and owl experts will come and check it periodically and if we are lucky enough to get a nesting, then  the chicks will be documented and their growth videotaped for an ongoing study of barn owls in this area.



Marilyn said...

Owls are one of my favourite birds so I hope you get some. There was just an article in the local paper about which birds had been most prevalent in this year's count. Very interesting so see which ones had declined and which had increased.

margaret said...

your granddaughter is gong to have lots of wonderful tales to tell when she finishes her back packing and all those memories to recall over the the years. How good it the owl takes up residence, will be good to watch what happens

Shirlee Fassell said...

Gerry you are one amazing lady ..... Do you ever sleep!!

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