One of my stitchers always uses a thimble and is fashioning a lace pocket for her thimble on her chatelaine. Another would like to have a pocket for her glasses which she wears while stitching.
One friend would love to make one but this would be too fussy for her... I have some lovely black toile in the barn. It would be fun to make a chatelaine with it coordinated with black and white stripes, checks and polka dots. A whole different look. Between the suffrage quilt and the Morris book, I have an endless supply of black trims and lace.
This morning to went to town to bathe my mom and color her hair blonde. She's 94 years old and does not want to be buried with gray hair..She has been telling me for years that I wouldn't look so old if I'd color my hair.. I don't mind my gray hair but I can't fault her the burying issue as I have a few of those myself. I have a long list of things I want to be buried with including my tambourine and my red shoes.
The chatelaine looks like fun!!! Good luck with the class. Go mom... Maybe I will get some manic panic and do mine purple!!!!
I adore your chatelaines in all fabrics and colors. The black and white looks intriguing. Little pockets for necessities is wonderful. How very thoughtful of you to honor you mom and her wishes. I am embracing my grey hair...but who knows for later...maybe that crimson burgundy I secretly admire. Blessings Dear...
I like the idea of the black and white chatelaine. I like black and white. And good on your Mom for wanting to be blonde. I can't be bothered to try to get rid of my grey - I figure I've earned every one of them. But if your Mom wants to look younger at 94 I say go for it.
can see the class being full as soon as you open up booking. A lovely chatelaine and think a black and white one would be pretty spectacular too. Like you I have not dyed my hair, but do not think I will ever go completely grey as Mum still had plenty of colour when we lost her at the age of 92. Mind you my 3 younger brothers are all white now! I must have had an easier life, well I did not have a nagging wife did I
Blondes have more fun! I guess at 94 you can have any color of hair you want...Go Mom! Your chatelaine is beautiful and I like how each stitcher is making it her own. The black and white combo will look great!
I am entranced by your chatelaines! Perhaps one day I'll make myself one.....
Yay for your Mom going blonde! At the rate I'm going, I might not have much hair left to dye......lol...
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