Last fall Fritz started losing the use of his right rear leg. After test after test and vet after vet, the cause was inconclusive but obviously getting worse. Finally he could only get around with kind of a seal walk (very heartbreaking) so it was time to get wheels. He got them Thursday and that night at the hotel he went racing down the corridor on his new wheels to get to the elevators. He adores riding on elevators...
He's still adjusting spacially and tends to cut corners too tight and gets caught on some things.. But already he has learned to back up and try again.... and now can chase rabbits and butteflies in the garden again....
OHHHH WOW I'm so glad for Fritz, cause he still looks healthy and not phased at all with his wheels!!!
Oh, this is so heartwarming. How wonderful it is that Fritz has legs again and can zip around like a young pup! Big hugs to both of you. Cathy
That is so wonderful for him, and for you! My Mom has a corgy, he is having back problems and is only 7, they say there is presure on the spinal cord and it will only get worse as he gets older. Glad Fritz is mobile again :)
What a lovely thing to do for your doggie?
What joy you must feel when you see him getting around so well! Our pets bring us so much love and happiness. How wonderful it is to make their lives so much richer. Kind of a "pay it forward".
Yeah for the wheels! Don't the eyes tell it all? Excitement, appreciation, and love! Thanks for sharing.
Aww, love your Fritz! He's beautiful! Is he a sable? I've had 3 corgis and my very bestest friend was my sable named Drewie-dog. He's waiting for me now, at Rainbow Bridge. Lived to be 15 and was always a good boy. I'm so glad Fritz is doing well with his cart.
That is so touching to see this little guy with his wheels. You wonder if he knows what it is that is making life so easy for him now. May he spend the rest of his life chasing squirrels, etc.
That is wonderful. I had to laugh when a vision of Drew Carey's dog came to mind. I am so glad Fritz has his mobility back. Imagine how that little guy feels.I love Corgi's. Watch out squirrels!!!!
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