Faye's block arrived yesterday and I'm eager to start immediately on it... Some things I knew right away on seeing it... I had the perfect piece of antique lace and didn't even look any further and it is even attached already.. There are lilies, hydrangas, peonies on the materials... so NO roses. ..(we do tend to overdo roses in CQ when there are sooooo many other beautiful flowers) I've never made a ribbon lily but I'll try... There is a lot of lavender and mauve in this block and I will focus on those colors... Since this is "insect month" in the challenge I will add a butterfly and an elegant beaded dragonfly using the organza ribbon. Last of all I think one of my handpainted cottage buttons belongs on this block.....I'm sure other elements will appear but this is where I'm starting......
Please, could you possibly bottle some of your energy and enthusiasm, (and while we're at it, your talent) and send it to the UK luv Lesley
Haha, do you think you leave a place to the others in this RR ??
Love the colors too!
Oh Gerry, I was checking in on your Blog and found my block... Your thoughts on it sound wonderful. I thought, using that fabric (and using it repeatedly), would be a bit different to work with... Looking forward to seeing what you do.
cheers - FDS
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