
Another BIG finish!!!

Another BIG finish is my lace jacket.  I had started this to take on our cruise last year but had a melt down working white on white.  I had all the lace work done and it just had to be assembled. 

I had started this also to use up some of my lace stash but it didn't even make a dent.  When my daughter-in-law was here, she drove me all over town looking for something to wear under it.  I had my heart on something   leaf green  with a tapered leg  and we found absolutely nothing.

When visiting Susie in California I found a knit jump suit on the first rack in the first store we shopped in.  It has gathers at the ankles to show off these funky shoes I found on the internet.  Not only are the shoes gorgeous they are cork soled  and are super comfortable.

The final thing to finish is jewelry and I still haven't done anything with all these green components but that is next on the list.

While I recovering   I went to visit Susie Wolfe and mostly dozed on her couch and Susie gathered up the jacket parts and assembled them beautifully

.  We met on the CQI site years ago  and became fast friends.  I have been to visit her 3 times and she had come here 3 times, we went on several retreats together and she went with me and the suffrage quilt to Houston....

Although she doesn't crazy quilt any more she still has all her stash.  I had taken some laces that might work for the front edge but Susie found a better one in her stash...(see you never should get rid of any stash...)   So the next pictures you see of this jacket will be at the wedding March 5 in Mexico and I'll be in it. It has now become my official  attire for weddings of grandchildren.  Maybe I will also wear it for my upcoming 80th birthday...


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Congratulations!!! This is stunning. Very lovely and feminine. It looks great with your what looks to be gray knit, and those shoes are funky fabulous.

Happy February ~ FlowerLadyd

Shirlee Fassell said...

So glad you finished! It came out lovely of course!

bubbygigi said...

Gerry, your jacket is magnificent. I love it!!! The shoes are pretty special as well. Enjoy wearing this beautiful outfit.

Susie Wolfe said...

What fun we had ..... yet again ..... Love the jacket! Your arrangement of the laces was brilliant. Wish everyone could see it up close as the design just flowed perfectly. You will be one "stylin Grandma" at the wedding. I think the outfit should be worn at every possible occasion from now on!! Love you ..... Susie

Marilyn said...

The jacket is absolutely lovely....and the shoes are to die for. You'll be the best dressed Grandma at the wedding :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Your jacket is definitely lovely - you will look amazing in your entire ensemble. I'm not normally a shoe person, but I do envy you those!

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