
Painting again!!

It has been months since I've painted buttons and it felt good to be doing it again... To get going I have been adding some new critters and my favorite is the fawn.  These buttons are a little larger than a quarter... 1 1/8".  I have many more that will be going up over the next week.
They are available at https://www.etsy.com/shop/olderrose
 I can see well enough with my newest lamp.  But actually it's the hand rather than the eye that is critical.. People are always saying it must take very good eyes to paint so small but what is critical is a VERY steady hand...  Also the brain compensates for what the eye can't see and communicates with the hand..   If you were to take a pen and paper you would find you can write your name very well with your eyes completely closed. The brain "sees" what the hand is doing. Have you ever done those exercises where letters are all jumbled and you can still read the text...? It is the same principal.  So even with my distorted vision I'm finding that I can do it... But even still the most important thing is the steady hand...without that all is naught. 


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Steady hand, eyesight issues - even without those I still could never contemplate painting so much detail into something that small!

margaret said...

such beautiful buttons, it takes more than a steady hand to produce such beautiful work you are one very talented lady

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Those buttons are oh so sweet. So detailed for being so small. Little gems they are.

Have a lovely Sunday and a great week ~ FlowerLady

crafty cat corner said...

You are such an ispiration Rose to not give up.

Marilyn said...

The fawn is my favourite too :). In the case of painting such detail in such a small area it is definitely a must to be able to "colour within the lines". And you do such great buttons.

Renee said...

Your buttons are wonderful!

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