I need turquoise felt for novice block and am making a face for Debbie's block. So in the meantime I am working on my Gypsy Rose block... The spider disappeared but the web makes a wonderful celestial map for her crystal ball. I'll be adding more stars...
I took off the buttons on center right and raided the box on my husband's dresser where he puts change when he returns from a trip overseas. I found a lot of foreign coins and drilled holes in them.. As soon as I polish them up a bit they will replace the buttons... I also want to put some text in that area...."With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes....my sweet gypsy rose.." Since the space is limited I might substitute actually rings and bells for the words..... I also added the hand symbol lower left.
Now the tambourine... I have mulled this over for days and finally the light dawned. I wanted a smooth surface for the tambourine and thought of sanding a button to shape or cutting a piece of copper and then I realized I had lots of the actual thing... leather. I can pierce it, paint it with alcohol dyes so will look for the right piece this evening. I have a big bin of soft leather that I used for doll's shoes...perfect!
Hi Gerry, I like what you have added to your block. I think the crystal ball looks good with the web as a backdrop. Can't wait to see the coins added. Your additions are really bringing your block to life.
Gerry, I love what you've done to this block...Your paisley is fantastic, your crystal ball with hand is so fantastic, so whimsical..I love your coins you've drilled holes in..All of is coming together and it's AWESOME!!!! hugs, Skye
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