I could not be happier than I am with the results of using leather for my tambourine... I even tried to pat myself on the back for thinking of leather. I used a pieced of lightweight board (tissue box) cut the shape of the top of the tambourine and glued it to the back of the leather... It was soft smooth leather and very easy to stitch and I made it a size that would accomodate these little bells. In fact I will add two more bells.... Now I can set this project aside until I finished the current RRs and then do the coins, lettering and a few more finishing touches....
And don't I feel smug because for 16 years my DH has wanted me to throw out that bin of leather and now that I've used 3 square inches I can justify keeping it another 16 years..........
Gerry, I love the tamborine. It turned out really good!
Lovely tambourine! Now if had been me I'd would have just last week tossed out the leather and be searching for a source! Do you think burlap would make good coconuts??
The tambourine looks great! I hoard bits of leather and suede too, and sure enough sometimes they come in handy!
Great Gerry, great. I am curious what you do next ... ;-)
You made me laugh out loud reading about keeping the leather. Isn't that the truth. If you had just thrown it out you would be cussing that man now you needed it.
You are very creative and the tambourine is just great.
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