I know others use light colored pencils and chalk through tissue and even stitching through tissue... I don't like the residue of of chalk and pencil and find stitching through tissue cumbersome especially since some of this is velvet... So I reverse my design and trace it on the back of the block.... Then I baste along the design with a light thread. This time I used gold thread to see how that works....
The basting stitching are easy to follow and easy to pick out... This design is rather elaborate so this method works well for me.
This whole RR is a learning experience for me and an exciting one at that... I have tried to use different materials for each step so I can decide what works for what..
It was hard at first manipulating the cord while stitching it but gradually I have gotten adept (well rather adept) of coaxing and shaping the cord with my left thumbnail. Not difficult, just takes a little practice.
To complicate matters I have always moved the needlework to accommodate my right arm which is partially paralyzed.. So moving the needlework and doing things with that thumb is like rubbing your tummy and patting your head. But practice will prevail...
I love the larger cord as it is wonderful to work with... I have learned to pull each couching stitch tight and secure it often. I'm couching with Sulky gold thread. If I don't remember to pull the couching stitches tight, the cord will shift later...
The biggest problem so far is the cording pointed to by the arrow. It is too thin and I need something just a tad larger to balance. I will be taking it out today and replacing it with a chain stitch and will show you the difference. The small cording will be useful in another design...just not this one.
The large button in lower left corner is just taped there for an audition. It will hide all the ends of the cords.
I have finished the Christmas cardinal. I was debating between single strand silk and Edmar and decided on a lightly variegated silk which was just the color of the silk I stitched the bird on. And the variation in color gives the bird a vintage look which I think is perfect... I'm especially partial to satin stitch done with a very fine single strand thread.
The cording I love is center bottom and the "too thin" stuff is to the right of the hoop. I am experimenting making chains with different gold threads as you can see... So far I prefer the Krenik over the Candlelight. I would have liked to do some of the fill on the bird with beads but 11s are too large and none of my 15s were the right color...
I took my mother to breakfast and shopping this morning and we have leftover halibut cakes for dinner so I have an entire afternoon and evening to stitch. HOORAY!!!