Would you believe this is me recovering with my broken leg??? I didn't think so.. But for 6-8 weeks I am supposed to stay off my leg that I broke pushing my husband's truck out of a snowbank by the driveway. We wanted to get the truck out by the county road which is plowed and we had a narrow opportunity as someone had cleared our road with a bulldozer. DH went to post office and grocery store and by the time he got home we were drifted in again. We've had almost 7 FEET of snow in 2 1/2 weeks. We've lived on this farm over 30 years and have never seen anything like it. It has broken every record...
We joke now about the best way to get ME out to the truck (about a mile) and the most viable is to bundle me up and stuff me in a sleeping bag, attach a rope to it and pull me out.... DH has pulled in groceries. etc. in a duffle bag so has a trail of sorts... Now that would be a picture..... I am opting to stay in the house and stitch.....
Snow is so pretty, hard to believe it can be so trecherous. Hoping you heal quickly, I'd hate to think of you being drug around like a sack of tatoes :)
Oh Gerry, I can see it before me, you in a sleeping bag sliding through the snow :-D)
Playing child again ! LOL
Don't try it ! ;-)
Gerry, you are so sexy...!
Hope you are feeling good day by day!
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