I was asked what I was going to do with my queens. Well to start I'm going to print two of them on silk and use them on blocks for the Heart RRs.... But last night I realized that they would make GREAT bridge tallies. So I will make up several sets so I have them to use and also to give as prizes and hostess gifts. AND I think they would make precious invitations to a Valentine Tea. I actually think my brain works better with my leg elevated. I wonder if anyone has done a scientific study on this phenomenon.
Gerry, these are so beautiful! I think your elevated leg has definitely got your brain in overdrive!
I did a self portrait in college as the queen of clubs card. Made everyone who saw it ask why I chose clubs. It was simply a process of elimination: hearts seemed too sexy, spades had a racial connotation, and diamonds seemed materialistic. So clubs left everyone (including me) guessing as to a deeper meaning.
Oh Gerry your Queens are so beautiful - can I ask where you got them from - I'd love to have one to do a projet with.
Hugs and smiles
New Zealand.
I just used images of women that appealed to me and removed hats, added crowns and the tricky part was munipulating the center sections so they could be meshed. It was after the first 3 trys that I developed a way that worked for me...
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