I made the bead soup from the wonderful beads sent and then "digitized" the calla lily.

As always I bead in the lightest areas and the darkest areas first. Then I work from the soup from either side. If I'm starting from the dark I'll randomly add two dark beads and the next one lighter. The reverse if I'm working from the other side...and continue to blend until finished. Using a digitized image as a guide makes it easy to see the changes in value and light and shadow. The bigger the project the easier to work in more detail.....

OMGG Gerry that is one breathtakingly lovely calla lily I've every seen made!!! WOW!!!
This is so pretty in a small picture; it must be dazzling in person!
The calla lily looks wonderful - I'd love to see it close up.
The calla lily and leav look wonderful in beads. And thank you for documenting how to do it. I would never have thought of digitizing the photo.
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