Well here it is... This is one of my granddaughter Madi's photos she took recently in Morocco. Don't you just love the orange, rusty red, lime and a touch of blue? This combinations will really show off stitching and embellishing.. I will have to buy a piece of vibrant orange silk as I'm absolutely positive there's none in my stash... I also posted about the beads she brought me from Morocco which will go perfectly with this...
During her time going to school in the Netherlands she used every spare moment to travel. The two weeks after her classes ended she whizzed all over Europe all by herself... She is developing a wonderful artistic style with her camera and I'm so proud of her.. Below is a very moving shot of a nomad family... I'm assuming the mother is on the left and looks very young herself... But that baby is LOVED!!!

I believe I have some orange dupioni for you. Some other interesting oranges and purples, too. Will either send it or bring it. :-) Hugs, Cathy
I can't say orange is my favorite color, but I do love that photo. What rich inspiration .... can't wait to see you bring the color scheme to life.
That is a truly breathtaking colour - it will indeed be fascinating to watch where the photo leads you!
I adore the bright warm colors in the picture. These kind of colors make me really happy. I love to work with them. I'm sure it is going to be a gorgeous block.
Love that hot orange and red in that picture...I like orange with red and pink too...and that pop of lime green and blue..way cool...We're having a blizzard and playing bananagrams...which is kind of like scrabble if you haven't heard of it...
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