
My surprise!!!

This morning I decided to rearrange my furniture which I only do about as often as I cut my hair...every 20 years or so... In the process I had to move a heavy antique trunk which I knew was full of rolls of really cool wallpaper (don't ask!) but when I opened it I also found 2 dolls... I vaguely remember making these dolls for my 2 oldest granddaughters when they were too old to play with dolls but I thought would like a "bed doll" I must have made them during some long ago summer and put them in the trunk until Christmas but forgot them..

They're very large.. about 2 1/2' tall, cloth and very rag-doll like with painted faces. Even if I must say so myself they are delightful but since the girls are in their twenties.....hardly appropriate anymore..

But check out these petticoats...#1 and #2

And the bloomers and stockings are to die for...

When I look at the dress I'm thinking these fabrics would make a great crazy quilt block...

Morris immediately fell in love with them so I just photographed them and put them back into the trunk and will save them for great-granddaughters I guess.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Happy Thanksgiving.
I do think you're wrong. I think you should give the dolls to the girls you MADE them for, along with telling them the story of where they have been all these years. I can't believe that, no matter what age, they wouldn't love and cherish them. Silly Lady!

Gina said...

I have a feeling your granddaughters will treasure them no matter what their age. I love the legs and shoes!

Laurie said...

Oh wow Gerry, what a fun surprise! The dolls are totally adorable, and have kept very well. Would make an awesome grandchild gift!

black bear cabin said...

i agree with the other ladies...the story behind these dolls alone are reason enough to give them to the girls....let alone how gorgeous they are!!! What a truly LOVELY gift! i say give em to them this year with a little book explaining their true story :)

Marty52 said...

These are adorable, Gerry! I think maybe your girls would like them now, too. Heck, I'd like them and I'm alot older than they are! No one is ever too old for a handmade doll. ;0)

Susan Elliott said...

OK. We all had the same thought. Give them to the girls you made them for...don't forget, we big girls like dolls too...but we really like it when someone we love shows their love for us by making us something special...send them a Christmas gift! And write them a note that tells them the story and pin it to the doll. Stories are part of the present...

I really think that the love that you sewed into every stitch while thinking of your granddaughter(s)...well, that energy shouldn't stay closed in a drawer.

What if they need it right now? You never know...

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