
I love snow days!

Today was my first full day at home for weeks.. And I expect I'll be here for some time now as the "Blizzard Warning" is flashing on the weather site... This morning I shoveled snow off porches and deck, gathered up all the candles, filled the entry way with fire wood, got all animals extra feed.. Then after getting in and dry I remembered I didn't plug in the extra heater in the pump house so I'll have to venture out again...
But even with the odd hours I have managed to finish piecing all the suffragette blocks. I wish I had a "design wall" to pin them up but I am happy with the fabric so confident they will be fine... I'm starting with one corner block and the center block to work on simultaneously. Tomorrow I will dye some lace and ribbon and begin gathering embellishments..
DH has been out of town for a week and it has been so nice leaving my mess spread out all over the table... I would dearly love to have a sewing room and if I am just wishing I might as well wish to have Allie's sewing room....But now that the blocks are pieced I can clean up as he is coming home Wednesday..
I use one of my precious hospital bedside tables for ironing by throwing a towel over it and the great thing is that it is square.. If I am at the machine a lot I can lower the ironing table to the height of my sewing table and press and sew as I go. The sewing table is an antique (1920s) typing table and the perfect mate for my old featherweight which I use all the time.... Again it is all on wheels and I can just whisk it away into the storage room (behind the white door)..
I'm crossing my fingers that I won't be snowed in when I wake up but being a realist I'm deciding who I can call to pick up DH and bring him to the end of our road so he can walk in the 1/2 mile..... I love snow but it's the "drifting" that's a problem...


Laurie said...

I love your cozy corner Gerry, and that you can just turn in your chair to iron! What a cool use of a hospital tray!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I truly dread that weather heading our way. It hasn't been too bad yet, but I know it's coming. Looking forward to seeing your finished quilt. Stay warm, Connie

Anonymous said...

Try using a piece of formcore board(the size kid use for projects at school)and mount to your wall with mirror holders. would not be large but you could the look at it thru a door peap hole thing. Love looking at your designsand what you do in phopshop

Cathy said...

I hate snow days. I still have to venture out in the snow to get to work instead of staying cozy by the wood stove. When I retire and realize my dream of being a hermit I will love snow days, I'm sure.

Design wall? If I need one I throw a flannel backed vinyl (or is it plastic?) tablecloth from the thrift store over a door. Blocks usually magically stick to the flannel. Good thing about this method is that you can also lay it on the floor and put your blocks out on it. And, you can roll up your whole project if you need to get it out of the way. I have a couple of tablecloths full of sane quilt blocks. I unroll a row and sew them together, unroll another, etc.

I have my valentine cq blocks pinned together and take one off to work on it and pin it back when done. I keep it folded and hung over one of those old butler thingies.

Thank you for sharing your quilt in progress. I find it interesting to read how different people go about their projects.

- Cathy L

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