
Big week for Morris

Getting a picture of Morris isn't easy... When I approach with a camera he immediately rushes up to put his nose on the lens...I wanted a profile so I tried to catch him unaware... well almost!!!

This has been an eventful week... Morris graduated from Puppy Kindergarten and was the star of the class. Our next class level starts in Sept... And then one day this week he fell in the pond and was a total mess ....he won't go near it now.

At least once or twice a year we get a visit from skunks trying to dig under our house... We get a Dept. of Wildlife live-animal trap and bait it with sardines... Every dog we've had has succumbed to temptation ONCE!

Today it was Morris.... but since he was trapped he decided he might as well eat the sardines....and followed that by eating the paper bowl..


Ruby said...

You certainly don't need anyone but Morris to keep you entertained and BUSY! So cute and funny!!

Unknown said...

What a cute and precious guy. Love the pictures.

Ati said...

Funny puppies, they don't know the different between fish and cardboard ;)

Cathy said...

Gotta love that sweet little guy!!! I bet you laughed so hard that you couldn’t even begin to get mad at him!! Can’t wait to meet him next year! Hugs, Cathy

Momma Bear said...

Morris is growing into a fine sturdy fellow and What wonderful plush ears he has! makes you want to rub his belly.
thank goodness he didn't get skunked!

Mary-Frances said...

Oh my gosh - WHAT a cutie - even if he ate the paper bowl! ha ha!

Susan Elliott said...

I think Tales of Morris would make a GREAT book!! I love how you celebrate his mischievous nature.

CarolynPhi said...

The one I like best is when you tried to sneak up on him to get his picture!!! OMG, that picture is priceless! You need to submit it to a couple of puppy magazines!!!

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