Jo shamelessly begged me to turn her blog heading into a logo...well Jo's blog headline is long enough to quality as a short story.... ON THE OTHER HAND if you received an email or post signed Jo Newsham you might not know who it was, but if it was signed Jo in NZ (as she always does) you would know exactly who it was... "Jo in NZ" is simple, recognizable, and unique to her....perfect for a logo.... So searching for a type style for her I went to ...
1. type in your words or words in custom review box . You might try entering both caps and lower case, all lower case and all caps to see what you come up with...
2. select 50 fonts to a page medium size
3. select sort by popularity since most of the best one are on the first pages of each category....

So after doing that and browsing through a lot of fonts I found the following two I liked:
Folkard and Charming... I was particularly looking for fonts that had interesting Js and Zs.. In most fonts Js are not too interesting but I loved these two....

Below each preview it will show the entire alphabet of that font.

And here is where the fine tuning comes into play..what I call "snip and tuck". The space between the letters is called kerning... In my publishing program I can adjust the kerning but it I were to do it in photoshop or something similar I would simply enter each letter separately and adjust them manually.

And this is exactly what I did and found I like both fonts in this layout... but the font "Charming" reminded me of Jo's stitching style... Sorry Jo this is the best I could come up with... Which one do you like best???

And this is exactly how I came up with my logo... Next I'll talk about the artistic elements and additions but probably not until next week as the days are filled for the near future... Sorry but as you can see this got longer that I had anticipated...
addendum: I was asked what software I use... I do have Photoshop Express but seldom use it because I had gotten used to a similar, obselete program called Microsoft Image Composer... simpler but adequate for what I do...
Gerry, I never would have thought this is your method of creating a logo! A combination of technology and kidsplay. Wonderful. Sometimes we get so caught up in the electtronic world, its easy to forget where Cut and Paste originated!
I am extremely interested in this tut as much as I am the needlework tuts you so graciously provide.
Thank you.
i did leave a comment, let me know if it didnt come though (blogger being screwy...
I love it! Technology AND the paper/scissors approach. I love how your brain works.... Hugs, Cathy
Very Nice....Graphic Design Calgary
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