Tomorrow is a big day for Morris. It is the first class of "Puppy Kindergarten." The very first class only the owners come...no dogs...EXCEPT for one dog who will be used for demonstration and guess who???? Of course when one is chosen for such an important role one must dress accordingly... So Morris will be wearing his Demo Dog T-shirt replete with a rhinestone bone... I know he'll do me proud!!!
Another milestone yesterday was the annual shearing of my sheep.. When it was really nice the shearer was out of town and when he was available it was raining so much they were too wet to shear... It poured Wednesday but was clear and windy on Thursday so he dashed over and did the job... It was a good thing because it was raining buckets again today... He did all the work but I was exhausted just shuffling them around... They look so nice and tidy now and they even had a manicure... Now once the weather clears I can start milking.
Below are before and after pictures...
Good luck Morris!
Yay Morris!! I knew he'd be a leader!!
Morris is just the cutest thing on 4 legs, (well, along with my Misha). Can't wait to hear how class went. Sheep look lovely. Can't remember, do you spin? Suzie in Idaho
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