
Another Day in the Life of Morris

Morris adds new dimension to the term "follow the paper trail" It is by far his favorite aperitif.

Yesterday I didn't remember leaving 7 pieces of footwear in the middle of the living room when I took a shower but I did remember I neglected to shut the bedroom door....and when I was taking pictures of all the shoes I looked down and guess who was undoing mine?
BTW if you didn't know the proper name for the little plastic or metal sleeve at the end of your shoe laces, it's "aglet." Mine are rapidly disappearing.

Molly continues to be "super mom" and when Morris falls asleep here and there, she snuggles close to him...


Karen said...

So cute Gerry!! Keeps you on your toes doesn't he???

Glenda said...

We had a Corgi-mix who looked very much like your Molly :).

Whenever I wad up a piece of paper, our pups (who are actually almost 3, so not really pups anymore, but the term has stuck!) come running - they like me to throw the paper wad for them to retrieve and shred. One of them noticed where I keep my "shred" box (receipts and other things I want properly shredded) and she'll sometimes sneak something out of there and get after it.

Our dogs don't mess with shoes, but they LOVE dirty socks!! One pup is the sock thief, and the other pup is the one who will turn the sock inside out and chew a hole in it -- they are quite the tag-team ;-).

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

This dog is a trip!! I love the pics you have posted of the two of them together. Doesn't surprise me, dogs are pack animals and love company.

Thanks for the snicker.

Susan Elliott said...

I like Morris' selection of shoes...a bit patriotic with a little earth mother thrown in.

And "aglet"?? Who knew??

Unknown said...

That Morris!! I still have to watch that bedroom door and Glenna's almost four.

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