In the previous post I mentioned Crambe cordifolia.... It's leaves can be 2-3' and the plant is 5-6' tall... Often called Giant Baby's Breath or Sea Kale.... Usually hardy zones 5-9 and I have mine in a protected area. It loves full sun and does NOT like wet soil so my garden with no supplemental water is perfect... The tiny honey-scented flowers bloom in early summer...
I love these huge drama queens and they can bring a small garden or area to new heights... There are only a few giant perennials I can grow here but I have them all and will share them as they come into bloom.. I love anything taller that I am...
Since the sheep ate my crambe to the ground they will take a bit to recover.... I let the blooms dry on the plant and they make a nice fall feature... Warning though..... they will root rot if planted in a too moist area....keep on the dry side...
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