A Hard Act to Follow
When other puppies were learning to sit and stay,
Fritz was learning the first of his bell tricks…
At “puppy show and tell” everyone said:
“That Fritz is a hard act to follow.“
When thing were slow in the shop, Fritz did
His routine and everyone would clap. He loved it….
So to hear the clapping, he’d do his whole act again.
At any event where people clapped for performers,
Fritz assumed it was for him, barked and took a bow.
Fritz was hard act to follow.
He was fun-loving, independent, sassy, assertive,
A charmer, and loved being the center of attention.
We took lessons for dance routines with your dog
So we could take an act “on the road.”
Fritz was a regular Fred Astaire;
But, alas, I was no Ginger Rogers!
Fritz was a hard act to follow.
He slept on my bed every night of his life.
His fur was the last thing I touched before sleep,
And the first thing I touched in the morning.
He licked my wounds when I was hurt,
Dried my tears when I was sad,
And made me laugh every day… Oh, how I loved him..
Fritz will be a hard act to follow….
Fritz Krueger
OH I'm so sorry! I just lost my own sweet China recently it's so hard to loose a furbaby! I love your poem it's so sweet!
Ah... Gerry, I feel with you my friend. How sad. But I think he has had a wonderful life at your place! Hugs, Ati
I am so sorry. These are our 'babies' and family and friends and companions. You wrote such sweet sentiments from the heart...
So sorry to hear your sweet one is gone, Gerry. He will be hard to replace!
I'm sorry NuMom
I know how hard it is. You gave him a good life, what more can you ask?
My condolences
....Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you...
I loved you so~
'twas Heaven here with you.
Isla Paschal Richardson
You loved your little fella so. May God ease your grief. Suzie In Idaho
Oh Gerry, I am so sorry for your loss...here"s a little prayer I want to pass on to you...Dear God, let me return, if only through tears, the love that he gave me all through the years...Debbie (Maine)
So sorry,Gerry. He was loved by many, and so will be missed. Hugs and puppy kisses from Pixie and me!
Gerry, I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet baby. It is very sad and I know you will miss him greatly.
I am so sorry. I know how much you loved him. He will always be alive in your heart. And he will follow you around with his little angel wings fluttering silently. I wish I could say or do something to help ease your pain.
I'm so sorry you lost your very close friend. I enjoyed hearing all about his personality and your life together.
Not so very long ago, seems like forever and seems like yesterday, we lost a friend. The kids and my husband say we need to get another, I say no. As with your Fritz, he will be a hard act to follow. What is it about them that makes us so vulnerable to them? Makes us hurt so much when they're gone... beautiful tribute!
Gerry, I'm so sorry to hear of Fritz' passing. Special friends/furchildren like him come along so rarely, and their loss leaves a hollow place. May time heal your heart and may all your memories of him bring a warm smile. It does sound like he will be a hard act to follow! Hugs, Cathy
Gerry, I'm so heart broken for you and your DH. With Maggie's fairly recent passing and now your darling little Fritz. Furbabies become such a huge part of our lives. Sometimes more so than children. LOL.
We wish you all the best and much love and happiness with your new addition. They are never meant to be a replacement but welcoming a new furbaby into your hearts will surely help to fill the emptiness.
Big hugs!
Oh, Gerry. So sorry for your loss.
I loved your tribute poem for Fritz. And I'm very happy for the new little lady who is joining your household. Talk about a lucky dog!
Oh, Gerry, I am so sorry Fritz passed away. Please take comfort in the many happy memories of time shared with Fritz, and know that he was happy, and enjoyed living with you and your husband. With deep sorry, Diane
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