For me making things to sell takes all the fun out of whatever it is.. I made and sold lots of pincushions but got to a point I was always conscious of time vs. money. They sold well at shows but I hated people picking them up and handling them. I wasn't happy with how I photographed them for online. And after a while it was like I made them to a formula and they were less creative and more repetative so I just quit..
I keep lining up winter projects and pincushions will probably be on the list... but I will not allow myself to think about the money vs. time thing....... I love them lavish and encrusted with layers and layers of trims, jewels, beads etc.
Yes, I feel a pincushion coming on.....
You can't stick a pin in that, can you? It is a beauty on itself!
Love, love, love your pincushions Gerry! I love everything you do! Debbie (Maine)
WOW, I have a pincushion JUST LIKE THAT, LOL!!! ;-) And I love, love, love it!! (note to readers: Gerry made it for me, gggggg). And Ati, I still haven't had the heart to stick a pin in it! Hugs, Cathy
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