Today was their photo debut and here is friend Simone Ramel coming to my aid... When I try to do it by myself I get noses on my lens as they are sooooo curious.....We separated the lambs from the ewes. Lambs hopping everywhere and mammas bawling their lungs outs....The two newest are tired already and are cuddled on the carpet.

These are the two youngest, one just born yesterday. No matter how I tried I couldn't get a shot with all five but did get some with four.... I haven't seen Simone's shots yet so maybe she did...I had one light colored lamb....the rest are a gorgeous dark mahogany color... Tunis sheep are called the "Romping Redheads" for their unique coloration.....

Back with mommas and everyone had to get a little treat from momma....And momma Topaz is giving me the evil eye for taking her baby.... The last ewe "Pitiful Pearl" (my favorite) is penned tonite and I expect her to lamb at any moment...
hola yo soy de Colombia y es muy bonito ver a esos animalitos y aunque no se pa mucho acerca del ingles las imagenes son muy interesentes
gracias por ese blog tan excelente
They are soooooo adorable!
Gerry, if I had those go-a-jus little lambs, I would have to bring them in the house and cuddle with them..they are so darn cute!!! Debbie (Maine)
Thanks for the lovely photos of the lambs. They are always so cute with their long legs.....
Congrats! Nice lambs, tunis are so very cute when they are lambs, and beautiful when they grow up. We had twins last Sunday, the ewe rejected one so she's in the house now in a diaper. She had a rough start but is doing great now.
I think lambs are soooo cute. My daughter lives in Scotland and I love to visit this time of year and see all of the lambs. I drive my dsil crazy having him stop roadside so I can get a closer look and take pictures. You would think we didn't have sheep in the USA. We have puppies at our house. You can see their photos on my blog. Barb
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