Sapphire was the first to give birth and I didn't expect one for another couple weeks.. Mama's first job is to clean the lamb of all traces of afterbirth.. This serves several purposes. It quickly dries and warms the lamb and all during the process she is stimulating the lamb to stand and move. Another critical aspect of this function is that she is imprinting the lamb with her scent...It's easy to see when a lamb finds an udder.... while nursing it's little tail whirls like a rotor on a helicopter.
How adorable! Congrats! We have a few weeks yet...
I was wondering how you were coming with the lambing. We had three born in the last week at the Farm where I work. We have a calf due in the next couple weeks, too. I LOVE SPRING!! Hugs, Cathy
Also in you place the Spring comes! So nice with the first lamb :)
owww Gerry what a cuty. do you have a name yet?
There's nothing cuter than a new lamb, and those propeller tails! Some of my earliest memories are of feeding my eldest sister's 4H bummer lambs from Coke bottles with black rubber nipples attached. I was at eye-level with the lambs, less than 2 years old. To this day, when I see an old glass blue-tinged Coke bottle, I think of feeding those lambs.
What a cute lamb! And Sapphire is a great mom.
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