Time after time after time I think I see what's on the block only to take a photo and discover I was so very mistaken.. There is nothing like the objective eye of the camera to give you a new perspective..
Now I never say I am finished with my work before I look at it on the screen. A prime example is Wendy's fan block. I thought I was done or close to being done, but now as I see it I realize there are soooooooooooo many gaps and much more to be done..
First I need to repeat Ati's rose vine somewhere, secondly I thought the button would serve as a handle for the large fan but it is not working so will address that. Finally there is that awkward rectangle mid-right I knew was there but hadn't a solution... It was so hard to put something there that didn't become part of the fan because of the shape....So back to the needles... I decided to finish this block before going back to Lauri's...
Isn't it funny what we see from a picture and not what is right in front of us. I was making a 3-D quilt block last night, but without the picture I had difficulty seeing the 3-D effect.
I agree Gerry,,I have learned to take a pic and look,,you see things totally different that way. Very lovely additions.
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