The twins are enjoying the warmth of the lovely day. They are always together. The little one is doing fine though still very small... But his little tummy is fat and full and he hops around the pasture full of engery...

Last summer I cleaned out the center of the barn which was still full of leftover stuff from the nursery.. This year my goal is to clean out what used to be the gift shop and tea room (now a sewing mess)... In the process I found this old card file with shallow drawers I had used to store pressed flowers... I brought it into the house and it will be perfect for buttons and then I saw I have another one that is even a little bigger.... Who knows what other treasures I might find.....
Last but not least I made a trip to my favorite produce market (Winco) and got leeks and yukon pototes for the potato leek soup but when I add some chicken it becomes "Cock-a-Leekie" soup" In Scotland it was made with barley but in England we had it with potatoes in it... I also bought a big bag of beets to make borscht and we had ham today so there will be a bone for bean soup... By the time I go to Alaska in May there will be lots of soups in the freezer....
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