Well my dear friend Simone (who is much younger and much stronger) came and helped me rescue the door from the rose bush.... It's not as great as the other door but it will do...And this is no ordinary rose bush... It is Alba Maxima and I had placed the door behind it when I planted it as a very small rose to give it some protection from wind and deer...

Now the rose looks like this when blooming.... It is about 12' across and at least 9' tall and you can smell it 100 yards away. But it had engulfed the door and it took some time to get enough of the rose pruned away to get the door out.
My first plan had been to hide the door in the tractor shed until I could do something with it but then I figured it was poetic justice for himself (who had been so smug about getting rid of my other door) to come home from his trip to find another door on saw horses magically appear!!! So tacky of me but so gratifying....

Puppy #8 at 6 weeks and now at 7 weeks... Notice that the ears have gone up in that week and isn't he adorable? I thought I was going to get to see him today but it didn't work out...but soon
He is so sweet!! I adore him!!
Oh what a joy to bring home a new puppy! He is absolutley adorable. Looking forward to lots of new puppy posts!
Ohhh puppy is sooooooo CUTE!!!!
He really is a darling! Makes you just want to pick him up and snuggle him.
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