When I sign up for a DYOB round robin I always check out the blocks when they are posted and see which I would choose if I were first in the rotation... This RR Cathy L. had chosen vintage valentines that had belonged to her mother and immediately I like the little one with the girl with the cookie and chef's hat knowing full well it might be gone by the time the blocks were sent to me.
So I was delighted when I was third in the rotation and it was still available.. Every once in a while I need a bit of just pure whimsy and this will be it...
I gathered ribbons, lace, beads etc. last night and I wandered around the the thrift store for a long time yesterday looking for the perfect piece of ribbing for this block.... Can you guess what for??? Wait and see.....
Oh Gerry, one can only wonder & wait to see what"s going through that head of yours now...Debbie (Maine)
I'm hoping its for a cookie!!! That's my guess...
My guess would be that you're going to make a cupcake holder. Dearest Gerry, I have a whole box of ribbing that you could've searched for, including lots of children's white ribbing with red trim... But the hunt is half the fun, isn't it?? I can't wait to see what you create!! Hugs, Cathy
Oh, Gerry. I don't even want to try to guess. I love surprises anyway.
Glad you are having a bit of whimsy. We all need a little whimsy especially during the winter when the doldrums set in.
I do visit your blog almost daily to read about your exploits and was waiting to see my block show up!
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