The love I have for mixing, salvaging, and using all bits and bobs is what I love about crazy quilting but it carries over in all I do... I had a necklace that I purchased years ago that was filigree and chain which I liked when I bought it but it was "neon" brass and I'm sure if I were lost at sea in a fog, rescuers could have found by the glow from the brass. So I found some acid to soak it in to "age" it. But it was still blah and the "aging" was a bit uneven.
I used to wear brooches when I worked but don't anymore so searched thru them to find something to jazz up the necklace and glued on a costume cameo. I wore it yesterday to a Christmas luncheon and received comments from everyone (even store clerks). It was amazing how many thought it was really an heirloom piece.. So now I'm searching thru a few of my brooches (Cqers NEVER throw anything away) and definitely see some possiblities....

Your remade necklace is absolutely beautiful. I love the way the cameo looks on that background. You have some other promising pieces in the bottom picture, too. There are a couple that appeal to me a lot. I'll look forward to seeing how you remake them.
Soooo kewl! You other possamabilities are neat too!!! Have FUN!
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