At the retreat I started a couple needlebook/addressbook covers for Christmas gifts. I kept thinking of one more person until I had 6 going at once and now the outer shells are about done. Altho I used tapestry instead of quilt squares, I tried to incorporate most of my favorite QC techniques. Since some are not needle women (can you imagine) they will be covers for day planners or address books...
Is there anyone that doesn't know how to do a lining so a book can be slipped in? I will be glad to tut one!
I love your needle books, Gerry! I would love to make several in this style, too. Luckily, I have the exact same fabric you do, LOL! ;-)
Also, YES YES YES on the tutorial. Hugs, Cathy
Gerry, these are very striking pieces. I really love your technique of stitching on tapistry and must try it some day!
Gorgeous needlebooks Gerry!!!It would be SO funny if Santa dropped one of those off in Maine....hee-hee-hee, love ya, Debbie (Maine)
Gerry, yes, I would love a tutorial on lining a book. I could probably bumble my way through it, but I'd love to see how it's supposed to be done.
Beautiful work Gerry.The receivers will be very !! pleased I guess.
Gerry! Long time no see you my friend... I love the work that you are doing... am just getting into CQing and am finding it amazing fun! Your work is so inspiring! will be back often!
The needle books are gorgeous! I just bought over 6 yards of the lace in the first photo.. Kind of looks like little houses on it.
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