
March done REALLY early

As life takes odd turns I ended up the last  couple weeks sitting with my mother and stitching.. The CQJP was much easier to tote about than the suffrage quilt.   Each block has a cottage of course but also I wanted each block to have its own definite personality...  In this block it is the fuchsias that are the drama queens and all else issubordinate.

In fact the hummingbird is such an extremely strong directional element  that  if there wasn't something to stop it your eye would fly right off the block...  Not only do the fuchsias do that but their triangular shape  bring the eye back into the block and around to the bird.  All else on the block is really only surface decoration..

And as usual once I get the block on the screen I see something I want to change... I can see with photo editing that I would like beading around the button  so I will do that   this evening.

The cutting shear brooch lower right was a gift from a special friend years ago and this seems the perfect resting spot for it...

By the way I didn't do the block and then paint the button.  The button was the inspiration for the block... Next month will be bluebirds and forget-me-nots.


gocrazywithme said...

Gold beads will anchor the button so nicely. There is a bit of purple on the button that doesn't seem to be in the rest of the block. Or is that just the way my monitor makes it look. My eye keeps coming back to the purple and searching...

Sandi said...

Oh my Gerry, gorgeous! And I was going to ask if you painted the button for the block. Guess you anticipated that question from alot of us.

linda smith said...

thank u so much for sharing about di van niekerk,s i will order her books beautiful an your work is so pretty love it

Momma Bear said...

How Lovely Gerry! i love your theme of cottages, it's very serene.

Arlene White said...

Lovely work Gerry, I can't wait to see the rest of them... Arlene

Marilyn said...

Can I come and sit in your cottage garden? I'm feeling sorry for myself because I have a cold and your garden looks so peaceful. As long as I don't annoy the hummer - they can be really cranky sometimes.

Suztats said...

That's so beautiful, Gerry! Love your hummer button. I haven't even started my March block yet, and you're just about finished.

Unknown said...

so inspirational... may I ask if the cottages are fragments of crockery, are they stitched, doilies??? yours cheri

Carli The Quilter said...

Just found this post and totally love this piece!!

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