
Need some color inspiration???

Need some color inspiration or help picking out the best colors for your fabrics?  You have a couple options...  If you have a photo or scan of your image or fabric you can upload it to a myriad of sites which are called " palette generators"...and they do just that... Working with the image you upload they find a palette for you...

 I uploaded the   picture upper left and my favorite palette generator picked these colors...

My preferred site is http://www.pictaculous.com/ because it offers a limited palette... Most of the sites give you huge palettes (19+) which is overwhelming. The biggest drawbacks to these sites is that you can't download, print or save the colors... I had to use the camera to get a picture of these colors because all that you can save is the color numbers which relate to various palette  swatches such as Adobe's.

So I seldom use these sites even though they are kinda fun. But this is the exception.... when I have a special image and want inspiration.. Such was the case with a photo taken in Morocco by my granddaughter.  I want to use it on a block for her and this is the palette I was shown.  Again I had to take a picture of the screen to save the palette but it was worth the hassle.

BUT IF YOU JUST WANT INSPIRATION  then this is a great site for you... http://www.design-seeds.com/. It is absolutely delightful.  You can't upload photos but if you subscribe, every few days they send you a couple images with a palette and they can be downloaded and saved which is what I'm doing with them.  Even if you don't subscribe it is a fun site to browse.... believe me this site  is a true gem.

This was their image and you can see how much nicer their color choices were for this image  than the ones given to me at a palette generator at the top of this post.   Cathy Kizerian posted this site on the web and I just fell in love with it.

When you're making fabric choices it would be nice to have a color palette you love to use as a reference.


margaret said...

sounds like a good idea for help with colours, thanks for telling us about it.

Marilyn said...

Thanks to you and Cathy for posting this site. Its a wonderful tool to have. Too bad we have to wait until June to see your door.

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