They have to be ugly enough to make you hesitate to kiss them but have enough gold on their crown to be tempted. Is this your prince charming in disguise?
Besides the hand-painted pendant, this particular piece has many found or salvaged components. I'm enjoying combining my miniature paintings with bits and bobs from my collection of vintage costume jewelry to create one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry. This is getting addictive.
I just added the Prince charming to my jewelry Etsy site along with the yellow and red piece with the African hand made and hand fired beads.
I am making headway on the downsizing issue... By making headway I mean I am seriously thinking about it and making plans....a start for me. Actually I have to separate things to downsize....my CQ stash and my excess MOP buttons and painted button inventory and I have some tentative plans.. First I want to phase out the Etsy button site. There aren't that many left as they keep selling and I have had to stop painting the 1" buttons. The smaller blank MOPs will probably do best on Ebay as most are antique. I used to paint on some 1/2 and 3/4" buttons and have a lot of those left.
The bigger task is the CQ stash. I've decided that most of the CQ stash I am going to pack into bundles and have giveaways on the blog...a lot of them.... Just the threads, ribbons and lace alone are formidable. Have to decide the best way to bundle them... maybe do a couple bundles a week as long as it takes. I want to finish my spider bag this fall but the rest will all go. A good winter project. I am still in the process of moving all the jewelry making supplies into the two narrow white cabinets. The CQ stuff that was in them is now in big laundry baskets in the barn which I want gone, gone, gone. I also want the large black tool cabinet to be gone, gone, gone and once empty it should be pretty easy to sell.

When I was wishing for someone with a long elegant neck to model my jewelry, was I thinking of the wrong part of the anatomy?
Oh, my gosh. With the size of your stash its going to be a monumental task to downsize. I've been working away at mine and have it down to a somewhat manageable size....I think. Actually been in a dry patch with the stitching but its canning season and I don't have time for anything else anyway. And the grands are here this week so I really don't have time. But they are big enough now that they can help with things - had a request for chocolate zucchini cake so we'll do that today :)
Oh goodness - just the thought of sorting through my CQ stash to get rid of it makes me need to go and lie down until the thought goes away. I can't imagine what you'll go through!! As for that black cabinet....if I didn't live so far away (AND if I could find room for it!!!) I'd definitely take it off your hands. I've coveted one of those since forever I think.
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