Recently I posted about taking a fall and spraining my wrist. Well after couple weeks in a splint it was not getting better...quite the reverse. Went to my doctor and she had x-rays taken and it was not only broken but broken in such a way that it was not going to heal without being immobilized.....so now I'm sporting this lovely blue fashion accessory .....

With previous casts I always have them yucky fairly quickly so now I cut the fingers off a rubber glove and cover it.
I am trying to type with one finger on left hand so LOTS of errors.
Thank heavens it was my left arm.
The day shift has arrived. Every year I write about the huge old apple tree across the driveway which has literally thousands of apples.. They have started falling and every night the deer come and clean them up... but now so many are falling that the day shift is here. Despite the drought my deer go into winter fat and healthy.
Without the deer I would be knee deep in rotting apples.

I had another kind of scare this week. I take my mobile phone with me when DH drops me off at the doctor and he goes somewhere and drinks coffee and reads the paper and I call him when I'm done. This last time I forgot my phone and with the ex-rays the visit was going to be much longer so I was going to have the receptionist call DH. For the life of me I could not remember his mobile number. I could visualize all the right digits (123579) but not the order. And the harder I tried the more confused I became. Luckily he was worried that so much time passed and came to check on me.
But I realized I needed to know that number. First I put it in my wallet and then I put sticky notes all over the house.... (on mirrors, doors, cupboards, bedstead) and I think I have it committed. Anything like that immediately has me thinking dementia. And if I ever do get a tattoo it will be my husband's mobile number......
Oh, Gerry your not alone. When we didn't have cell phones and just one house phone it was so much easier to remember numbers. Now they want every username and password to be different, they say for our own protection, but I CAN'T REMEMBER that many passwords.... and then there's probably a password to get into your list of passwords. Well I better sign into my Google account so I can leave this comment. Let's hope your arm heals up quickly. Take care.
Oh heavens - don't get that number in a tattoo! That would be an open invitation for something to happen to the cell phone and you'd have to get a whole 'nother tat!! So sorry you are in a cast - that's not pleasant when the weather is hot. Take care of you!!!
In times of stress this kind of thing is normal Rose. When Tom was recently in Hospital I sat in the car for ages trying to remember a pin number that was so familiar to me. Not to worry, we all do this at some time. You certainly seem to be in the wars and I do hope that your arma mends quickly.
Gerry what a bummer! So sorry about your arm but as you said thankfully it’s your non-dominate hand that is affected. As far as telephone numbers why would they be remembered as your phone dials it automatically making it unnecessary for us to memorize them!
I don't have a problem remembering my husband's number because our numbers are very close to each other. BUT, just a couple of weeks ago I COULD NOT remember my sister's number. That kind of thing happens now and then, but I refuse to be concerned about dementia. I took the test....Is It Dementia or Old Age. That really eased my mind. HOWEVER, everyone's phone number is in my contacts on my phone. I can recognize the number when someone calls, but I admit that I have never learned them. I fall too many times and I am so lucky that I have not broken a bone. Sorry you have to go through this cast stage. I hope it heals properly and quickly.
xx, Carol
If I lose my phone, I won't be able to call anyone. Seems like everyone is dependent on their phones to remember all the numbers.
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